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Wage indexation as of 1 September 2023


In a press release dated 30 August 2023, STATEC (Luxembourg’s national institute of statistics and economic studies) announced that wages would be again indexed on 1st September 2023.

According to the provisional results published by STATEC, the annual inflation rate for the national consumer price index (“indice des prix à la consommation national” or IPCN) was 4.2% for August. The new sliding wage scale index for salaries is now 944.43 and comes into force onst 1 September 2023, resulting in a 2.5% rise in wages, salaries and pensions on this date..

The final results for the national consumer price index for August will be published on 6 September 2023.

In addition, the salary index as of 1st September 2023 affects the different thresholds and limits stipulated by law, summarised in the table below :[1] :


Starting from 1st September 2023 (gross gross, index 944.43):

Monthly social minimum wage (SSM)

(art. L. 222-9 and L. 223-1 of the Labour Code)


For employees aged 18 and over

2.570,93.- EUR (non-qualified employee)

3.085,11.- EUR (qualified employee)


  • Agreed compensation
  • Damages and interest for unfair dismissal set by the labour court,
  • Voluntary compensation in the event of resignation or termination by mutual agreement

(art. 115 al. 1 point 9 de la L.I.R.)



Automatically exempt from tax up to


28.648,80- EUR (unchanged)


(12 x the SSM for non-qualified employees applicable on 1 January in the taxation year)st January of the tax year)



Starting minimum monthly wage required to apply a trial period of 7 to 12 months

(art. L.121-5 (2) of the Labour Code)


5.062,14.- EUR

Minimum gross annual salary required at the end of the contract to apply a non-competition clause after the end of the employment contract

(art. L.121-8 (2) of the Labour Code)


64.382,45.- EUR

[1] The above amounts are provided for information purposes and are subject to official confirmation.
