• Insights

Increase in the tolerance threshold applicable to taxation for French cross-border workers

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Your partner in labour & employment law in Luxembourg

In a press release dated 7 November 2022, The Ministry of Finance announced that an amendment to the bilateral tax treaty between France and Luxembourg was signed on 7 November 2022, increasing the tolerance threshold applicable to taxation established in that treaty from 29 to 34 days.

The Ministry of Finance clarifies that “ les jours de travail effectués dans cette limite de 34 jours seront considérés et imposés comme s’ils avaient été effectués dans l’État de situation de l’employeur ”. In addition, it is clarified that these provisions « pourront s’appliquer à compter des revenus perçus en 2023, le temps de définir, avant la fin de l’année 2024, une solution pérenne ”.

This amendment will now be subject to ratification in each of the countries.
